The Story of C.R.E.A.T.E.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Plan, Design, Measure, Cut...

The idea was to reinforce the design cycle and include measuring, planning, collaboration and other skills. The job was to completely encase a randomly supplied object in a way that conformed its size and shape. Some of the objects were a carpenters level, a bullhorn and a stack of CDs.

Students had to measure their object in three dimensions, create accurate drawings and then transfer those drawings into their final material (in this case, cardboard.) They also had to work collaboratively and select individuals for specific roles from within their 4-5 person team.

Full lesson plan at the end.

Measuring and creating scale plans.

Drawing full-scale cut and fold lines.
This team created their box in a one-piece design.
Collaboration is baked into the lesson plan. Each Student has their own role and responsibility in the project.

Cutting the pieces for a a box to contain a carpenters level.
The final touches on box a for a bullhorn.

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